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Caption your video easily in Canvas Studio

Photos show the back of a person in a checkered shirt sitting with headphones in front of a laptop.

Discover how Canvas Studio can simplify your video production with automatic subtitles and smart editing functions.

Photo: Nathana Rebouças from

LU's video platform Canvas Studio includes a speech synthesizer that automatically creates captions for any video you record or upload in Canvas Studio. All you have to do is review the captions in Studio's easy-to-use editing mode and publish them for viewing.

Here are seven examples of convenient features in Studio when captioning your video:

  • Replace feature. If a word has been misspelled in the same way in several different places, you can easily find and replace them in one go.
  • Automatically saves all changes
  • Possibility to download subtitle files for translation purposes.
  • Possibility to download transcript, for example interviews and audio files, for smooth transcription.
  • 85 % accuracy in Swedish. Even more in English.
  • Short videos = less work.

Go to the guide "Caption your video" in Canvas which shows exactly how you do it –

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