Build and conduct assessment
In the section Build and conduct assessment you will find materials that support you in the work with the actual construction and implementation of your examination. Here is information about tools that you can use, help with questions regarding law and finally, you'll find checklists that can support you.
Legislations - questions and answers
Coming soon.
Create your assessment in Canvas
Visit Create your assessment in Canvas
The page gives you tips and advice on different ways to handle examinations in Canvas. Here you get information about how assignments, quizzes and discussions work and there are links to all relevant guides. Finally you'll get information on how to handle the feedback via Canvas.
Examination in Inspera
Inspera is a tool for digital examination in an exam hall. Here you will find information about how you can construct, implement and assess examination in Inspera.
Zoom room for invigilation
Visit Zoom room for invigilation
Do you need help when setting up your Zoom room for invigilation? This page gives you information and guides regarding what to think about. You can also find a Zoom room where you can let your students test a Zoom room for authenticated users before your examination.
Inform your students
Many faculties and departements have produced their own checklists about what to think about when informing their students before the examination. For those of you who do not have such a list or who want some help with links to the students' pages, here is a checklist with suggestions on what you may need to inform your students about.