Creating videos
In recent years, we have learned a lot about how video can enhance teaching. On these pages, you will find practical advice, inspiration, and reading tips about video as a pedagogical tool. See our calendar for webinars, workshops, and seminars on the topic of video.
Different ways to use video in teaching
Here you can read about different ways to use video in your teaching, when they are suitable, and the benefits they offer. You will also find examples from teachers and some things to consider when using video.
Olika sätt att använda video i undervisningen (this page will soon be translated to English)
Five tips when creating video
When is the video format appropriate? How long should the video be? And how do you ensure good audio? On this page, you will get five concrete tips for when you create and use video in your teaching.
Reading tips: three texts on video in a pedagogical context
How can video be used in teaching, and what does the research say? Here you will find brief summaries and links to three texts on video in a pedagogical context.
Lästips: tre texter om video i en pedagogisk kontext (this page will soon be translated to English)
Studio – Getting started with video in your teaching
Contact us
Do you have questions about videos in education?
Email Erik Bergsten: digital [at] education [dot] lu [dot] se (digital[at]education[dot]lu[dot]se)