Teaching staff at Lund University are required to make their course materials accessible to all students, including those with learning difficulties due to a disability or other reasons. On these pages, you will find information, advice, and support to assist you. See our calendar for webinars, workshops, and seminars on the topic of accessibility.
Think accessible – five tips to get started
On this page, you'll find practical advice on how to make meetings and teaching more accessible.
Think accessible – five tips to get started
Accessibility tools for teachers and students
On this page, you will find a brief description of digital tools that you and your students can use to make course materials more accessible.
Tillgänglighetsverktyg för lärare och studenter (this page will soon be translated to English)
Reading tips: three texts on accessibility
Here you will find three texts on accessibility: a handbook for teaching staff, a research article, and an interview with student Malin, who shares her experience of studying at Lund University with dyslexia.
Lästips: tre texter om tillgänglighet (this page will soon be translated to English)
What does the law say?
Lund University is subject to the Discrimination Act and the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Service. Here you will find a brief overview of what these laws entail for teaching staff at Lund University.
Vad säger lagen? (this page will soon be translated to English)
Contact us
Do you have questions about accessability in education?
Email Ann-Catrin Johansson: digital [at] education [dot] lu [dot] se (digital[at]education[dot]lu[dot]se)