Photo: John Schnobrich on
Research shows that adding interactivity to a pre-recorded video for the students to watch themselves (asynchronous video) also encourages them to become more aware and engaged in the content.
You find an example video with quiz here (you need to be logged in to Canvas to see the example).
Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to create quizzes in your Studio video.
But why use quizzes inside a video?
It makes flipped classroom easier. Once you have made a video for the students to see before a lecture, it is difficult to really know if your students did look at the video or acquired its content. With a quiz you can control the questions, so that students will have to think about the key points of your lecture. You can, for instance, appeal to the students’ pre-understanding, ask questions that you later can deepen in a face-to-face lecture. The function quiz results enables you to see the answers and results of the students.
Using quiz in video can also have a social function. There is a presence of you as a teacher for the students, when you ask them questions in the video that you might normally ask them in class. Only this time, you can demand an answer from all students.
With a quiz in video, you can ask your students different types of questions depending on your pedagogical purpose. One example is control questions, where you can find out what the students have understood from the video content. Another example is using multiple choice questions, where you give statements applying to the video content as different alternatives for the students to choose from.
Using quizzes is an effective way to problematize video content, which subsequently can be followed up and deepened in discussions or seminars.
Belt, ES & Lowenthal, PR 2021, Video use in online and blended courses: a qualitative synthesis, Distance Education, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 410–440.
Link to full text here.
Fleischmann, K 2021, Hands-On versus Virtual: Reshaping the Design Classroom with Blended Learning, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 87-112.
Link to full text here.